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Friday, January 20, 2012

Baby Ben

I have been on bed rest 65 days. I am now 31 weeks and we are still kicking. Procardia is keeping my contractions to a minimum and the occasional stay in the hospital with stronger medications keep me from delivering. I can't believe I made it this far.

To celebrate my 30's (weeks that is. age wise comes later this year) Greg and I went to a maternity spa and had a 3D sonogram to see Ben. We have sonograms every other week to check his growth, but I wanted to see what he was going to look like. (I cleared it with my OB first)

So here he is...

He looks just like my husband with my nose. Oh, how I can't wait for him to be here. God is giving me the ultimate lesson on patience! Everyone always told me your child will melt your heart and change your life. This little boy has done exactly that!

Of course, he wasn't very active. We did see him chewing on his cord. Totally weird!

Have a fabulous FRIDAY! (I love the weekends...)


Mrs. Darcy said...

Sooo sweet! Congrats!!!!


Lauren said...

Found you through Hollie's #FF :) I can't imagine being in that situation... Gosh I take for granted every week (both times around) thinking, "Okay another one down, on to the next" when really it is an accomplishment! Your little boy is so so cute!

jessica dukes said...

bless you for being on bed rest that long...so if i get behind on one of my favorite tv shows, can you just watch it for me???? :-)

i am a new follower over from hollies!


Heather said...

@jessica dukes I can probably catch you up now. I never thought I would see the day come when I was sad that they canceled a soap. Although since most soaps have been on for over 40 years I guess I never thought I would see the day when they would cancel one.

Rachel said...

I thought my pregnancy was bad (high blood pressure) and being taken down to only half time at work , doctors orders the last two weeks was the worst thing possible...I just can't even imagine what you're going through. You'll feel so great after you have the baby...like a new woman!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

My-cliffnotes said...

Congrats on little Ben! I named my plant Ben lol!

Sarah said...

Ohh I am so sorry. Having never been pregnant, I can't even imagine. But it must be OK in the end because you get to hold you child!

Heather said...

Thanks for the support Ladies! He will be here before we know it and this will be a distant memory!

Unknown said...

just found your blog from hollies link up and its adorable - i love it and i'm your newest follower!
and id love for you to follow me back!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your precious little one!

Thank you for your comment also! I'd love to hear more about your foot tattoo!



Stephanie said...

3-D sonograms and amazing! What a beautiful little one!

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