I have so much going on in this little OCD prego brain of mine. A million little things running here and there and I can't seem to get them to stop and catch them.
Ben's room is finished! YAY! (posting next week). Greg also finished the swing and bouncer, which were more difficult than I would have thought to put together. It actually took tools. What?? I just thought you pulled them out of the box, snapped them together and POOF! There they were. NOPE. Tools...
Everyone I spoke to says this is the swing to get. I got the newest version out (pictured) which also has an MP3 connection. Awesome because Greg and I love THESE albums.
There are renditions for so many current and past artists.
Spoke to my BFF, Sarah yesterday. Helped calm some fears of mine about the upcoming mommyhood and c-section. Having twins and an emergency c-section makes her an expert in my eyes. Sometimes it is just nice to here someone say they also know what it is like to cry at the drop of a hat and have IRRATIONAL fears. hahaha
Made Greg a list of all the "craft" items I needed to make to make his Valentine's surprise. When he brought them home he looked at me weird as he handed me the bag and just said "RANDOM". So I tried to make these cute heart envelopes last night while he worked on a computer for the shop.
Pinned HERE. Totally did not work me! I wound up with a mangled heart with too many folds that was completely crooked. I think I'll stick to the envelope template that I have been successful with for many years!
Still working on my 52 in 2012. I never thought it would take so much time to create a list of 52 things I wanted to do in a year. Most weekends I can come up with that many for 2 days. I have a post scheduled next week for this, I will spend most of this rainy day completing that and working on Greg's V-Day surprise.
Check out Becky at fromMrstoMama to see 2 upcoming Valentine's events.
Oh, one last things! Jessica at Lovely Little Things does a weekly Smell the Roses challenge to get you to slow down and appreciate life. Last week's challenge was to buy coffee or lunch for someone you didn't know. Well bed rest prevents me from frequenting Starbucks and lunches outside the house. The one place I do visit each week is the doctor's office. So I paid someone's copay. At this point I know the office staff well and told them I wanted to pay the copay of a patient that could really use it. They told me the price and I handed them the money. Loved it. The billing lady said she was going to do the same for another patient that week.
Hope you have a Terrific Tuesday.
I buy coffee for strangers on occasion but never really thought about paying someone's co-pay. So awesome, because a lot of people go for coffee because they need the perk and have the cash to burn. Some people HAVE to go to the doctor and finding that $20 or so for co-pay is a stretch. Love love love it. I'm sure you made someone's day!
I never thought about that. Insurance is something I take for granted! Espcially going every week and being in and out of the hospital with the pregnancy. I couldn't imagine.
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